Strategies of Professional Development for Reach the Top in International Business


  • Abel Mínguez López Departamento de Gestión Empresarial Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales Universidad Pontificia Comillas
  • Antonio Núñez Partido Departamento de Gestión Empresarial Facultad de Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales Universidad Pontificia Comillas


Multinational Enterprises, Self-development and Professional Career, Managerial Development, Stages for Reaching the Top


In the start of XXI century, it became clear from the available empirical facts that people survive to the average age of the business in which they began their
professional careers. The main implication of this reality is for the development of professional careers with the purpose of reaching the top in international business.
Is the individual who has to take charge of their own professional career and not only the business which takes them on. For that reason, in this paper we suggest to the people interested in a comprehensive professional development the following actions:
a) Look inside themselves in order to know if they have the motivations and
capabilities to undertake a professional career with a view to reaching the top.
b) Identify the stages to follow for developing management capabilities and to choose the most suitable business environments in which to achieve them.
c) And, by way of conclusion, learn to face up the adversity in the way up while behaving with character and integrity.


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How to Cite

López, A. M., & Partido, A. N. (2014). Strategies of Professional Development for Reach the Top in International Business. Icade. Journal of the Faculty of Law at Universidad Pontificia Comillas, (90), 151–171. Retrieved from