Market Ethics and Private-Law Contractual Practice in Preferential Shares.


  • Javier Ibáñez Jiménez



Preferred or Preferential shares. Private-law contracting. Market Ethics


Some key ethical aspects of the Spanish contractual private-law and administrative regime in force on the so called preferent participations are shown in this paper, particularly under the stand point of the impact of banking network distribution mechanisms of their IPO issues on non-professional banking clients and investors, mainly since 2008.

Author Biography

Javier Ibáñez Jiménez

Coordinador del Grupo “Derecho, Mercado y Sociedad Global Sostenible” (Comillas).
Codirector de la Cátedra Garrigues de Derecho de Sociedades.


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How to Cite

Ibáñez Jiménez, J. (2014). Market Ethics and Private-Law Contractual Practice in Preferential Shares. Icade. Journal of the Faculty of Law at Universidad Pontificia Comillas, (91), 89–117.