Peace process and legal consequences


  • Carmen Lamarca Pérez Universidad Carlos III de Madrid


peace, terrorism, human rights, penalties.


In these lines we mean to express that State’s legislation, even legislation passed to fight acts of extreme violence like terrorism, has to be respectful with the fundamental rights; The response to terrorism can only base its legitimacy in a scrupulous respect to legality and to the guarantees and rights of all citizens. In the peace process, in which our country is still involved and will be till the ending of violence isreached, the Estate has to convince the politic opponent that resort to arms is notnecessary to be heard, to be able to participate in the political system.

Author Biography

Carmen Lamarca Pérez, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

Titular de Derecho Penal


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How to Cite

Lamarca Pérez, C. (2012). Peace process and legal consequences. Icade. Journal of the Faculty of Law at Universidad Pontificia Comillas, (74), 27–35. Retrieved from