Attitudes to poverty: review of development cooperation, NGOs and Fair Trade


  • Carmen Valor Martínez Universidad Pontificia Comillas


Development Aid, Fair Trade, NGO, poverty, survey


This study is an attempt to unveil the knowledge and evaluation made by citizens of Madrid region of two main strategies of cooperation with Southern countries:development aid and fair trade. It also evaluates attitudes towards NGOs as the main agents of cooperation in those countries. This paper presents the results of astudy commissioned by Fundacion Economistas Sin Fronteras, and financed througha grant obtained from Comunidad de Madrid.

Author Biography

Carmen Valor Martínez, Universidad Pontificia Comillas

Profesor Colaborador Universidad Pontificia Comillas de MadridDpto. de Marketing. Investigador de Fundación Economistas sin Fronteras


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How to Cite

Valor Martínez, C. (2012). Attitudes to poverty: review of development cooperation, NGOs and Fair Trade. Icade. Journal of the Faculty of Law at Universidad Pontificia Comillas, (73), 301–320. Retrieved from


