Advantages and disadvantage of Telecommuting


  • Jorge Navarrete Rojas Accenture



Telework, Telecommuting, European Framework Agreement on Telework, Information Technology and Knowledge and Electronic Commerce (ICT), telecommute at home, satellite offices or telecenters, Teleworking, Virtual Office.


The transformations that are taking place in recent years in the hands of the growing technological advances suggest the need to reflect on the changing
forms of work, which is why we emerge from the late twentieth century new ways of working which common link is carrying out the work from their own homes, outside the scope of the office through the use of information technology and communication (ICT), this new way of working is called telecommuting.

Author Biography

Jorge Navarrete Rojas, Accenture

Gerente del departamento Finance & Risk. Accenture


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How to Cite

Navarrete Rojas, J. (2014). Advantages and disadvantage of Telecommuting. Icade. Journal of the Faculty of Law at Universidad Pontificia Comillas, (93), 45–70.