Corporate universities: new challenges, new opportunities


  • Camelia Ilie-Cardoza INCAE Business School
  • Guillermo Cardoza Bulla INCAE Business School
  • Jaume Hugas Sabater ESADE Business School



Universidades Corporativas, Desarrollo de Talento, Formación y Desarrollo en Multinacionales


Corporate Universities (CUs) are a strategic tool for talent development in multinational corporations, especially in the last decade when these have expanded their activities mainly through mergers and acquisitions (ESADE, 2008, 2009, 2010). In this paper the authors make a review of the most important aspects of a CU’s strategic role, organization, learning model, operation, and impact indicators.

Author Biographies

Camelia Ilie-Cardoza, INCAE Business School

Decana, Educacion Ejecutiva, Profesora Asociada

Guillermo Cardoza Bulla, INCAE Business School

Director Académico, Custom Programs, Profesor

Jaume Hugas Sabater, ESADE Business School

Profesor Titular


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How to Cite

Ilie-Cardoza, C., Cardoza Bulla, G., & Hugas Sabater, J. (2014). Corporate universities: new challenges, new opportunities. Icade. Journal of the Faculty of Law at Universidad Pontificia Comillas, (93), 71–83.