The fair and equitable treatment standard: legitimate expectations on stability facing regulatory changes


  • Tianyi Xu 对外经济贸易大学 University of International Business and Economics



Arbitraje de inversiones, Estandar del Trato Justo y Equitativo, Cambios regulatorios, Stabilidad, Proportionalidad, Necesidad.


This article examines the possibility of invoking the protection of legitimateexpectations under the fair and equitable treatment standard to strike downquestionable regulatory changes taken by a host State in investor-State investmentarbitrations. Drawing from jurisprudence of investment arbitral tribunals,it also lays out two tests that regulatory changes have to withstand in order to be legitimate under the fair and equitable treatment. Finally, it engages in preliminaryinvestigations into the general justifications available for host States to justifythe regulatory changes, in case these measures are potentially or establishedas violations to the fair and equitable treatment.

Author Biography

Tianyi Xu 对外经济贸易大学, University of International Business and Economics

LLB, University of International Business and Economics


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How to Cite

对外经济贸易大学 T. X. (2014). The fair and equitable treatment standard: legitimate expectations on stability facing regulatory changes. Icade. Journal of the Faculty of Law at Universidad Pontificia Comillas, (93), 125–162.