Extra Europam nulla salus?


  • F. Gómez Camacho, S.J. Universidad Pontificia Comillas (Madrid)


Globalization, European Constitution, maquiavelism, chartalism, general will, social contract


The introduction of a single currency in Europe was a radical economic change. The introduction of a single Constitution seems to be even more radical political change. The negative votes of France and Holland show the fears which people have about the proposed Constitution. This article offers an historical explanation of these fears and their socio-political significance. From the point of view of the economic fears, the challenge of globalization is seen through the eyes of Marx and Engels; from the point of view of the ideal society, Maquiavelo and Keynes are our guides. Finally, a short consideration is presented about the moral and political problems possed by the new circumstances to the moral and political doctrine of social contract and general will.

How to Cite

Gómez Camacho, S.J., F. (2016). Extra Europam nulla salus?. Icade. Journal of the Faculty of Law at Universidad Pontificia Comillas, (66). Retrieved from https://revistas.comillas.edu/index.php/revistaicade/article/view/5051