Justice and Climate Change


  • José Luis Rey Pérez Universidad Pontificia Comillas


climate change, biocentrism, right to develop, right to environment, theories of justice.


Theories of justice that have been discussed in Political Philosophy during XX century have not paid attention to environmental problems and to climate change. However, some of their arguments can be used to do a moral evaluation of the policies against climate change. Many of those policies have an anthropocentric andutilitarian perspective. By contrary, in this paper, a biocentric contention will beargued that defends the intrinsic value of any type of life. From these arguments, the policies adopted against climate change are not adequate and it is necessary a newproductive and economic model.


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How to Cite

Rey Pérez, J. L. (2012). Justice and Climate Change. Icade. Journal of the Faculty of Law at Universidad Pontificia Comillas, (86), 9–32. Retrieved from https://revistas.comillas.edu/index.php/revistaicade/article/view/506


