Some questions on the work of judges in recent history


  • Isabel Ruiz-Gallardón Profesor Contratado Doctor, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid)



case law, justice, law, method, values


Article that provides the basis for initiating a review of the problem of values in case law, in line with the thesis maintained by Schmitt and Forsthoff over tyranny of values.

Many traditional interpretation criteria are, in the context of values-oriented thinking, a new perspective that makes the judge an active collaborator in the creation of legal order. This broadening of the creative and interpretive work
of judges is not inconsistent with the principles of supremacy of law. It implies, rather, an overcoming of legal conceptualism replacing more flexible methods and an extension of the interpretative role of the judge. This article proposes a research field in which, considering the historical analysis of the judge´s work, bases are settled to initiate a review of the problem of values in case law.


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How to Cite

Ruiz-Gallardón, I. (2015). Some questions on the work of judges in recent history. Icade. Journal of the Faculty of Law at Universidad Pontificia Comillas, (94), 209–230.


