Settlements in antitrust law: an adequate solution for sanctioning proceedings?


  • Fernando Díez Estella Centro Universitario Villanueva



settlements, commitments, antitrust proceedings, sanctions.


The recent increase in using the so-called ADR –alternative dispute resolution- has also reached antitrust law. In Spain, one of the declared aims of Competition Defence Act 15/2007 was encouraging this sort of termination of sanctioning proceedings. However, so far the results obtained are clearly under the expectations placed. We examine the reasons of this ‘failure’, taking also into account the relevance of the necessarily joined tool to reach such an agreement: the commitments offered by the undertaking suspected of infringing antitrust law. We show the differences between US and EU framework, when compared with the Spanish scheme of settlements.

Author Biography

Fernando Díez Estella, Centro Universitario Villanueva

Profesor Contratado Doctor de Derecho Mercantil


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How to Cite

Díez Estella, F. (2015). Settlements in antitrust law: an adequate solution for sanctioning proceedings?. Icade. Journal of the Faculty of Law at Universidad Pontificia Comillas, (95), 13–36.


