Information exchanges between competitors under competition law and their assessment as infringements “by object”


  • Andrew Ward Cuatrecasas
  • Pablo Lavandeira Suárez Cuatrecasas Gonçalves Pereira, Madrid



information exchanges, infringement “by object”, strategic data.


Information exchanges between competitors can constitute an infringement of competition law, although some exchanges may be pro-competitive and generate efficiencies in the market. To evaluate information exchanges we should pay attention mainly to the structure of the affected market, the characteristics of the exchanged information and the way in which the exchanges took place. Information exchanges are one of the most investigated and sanctioned infringements by the Spanish competition authorities in recent years. In their resolutions, the Spanish competition authorities consider the information exchanges between competitors as an infringement of competition law “by object” even where the data concerned appear not to be strategic and, as a result, they do not consider necessary to demonstrate that they are capable of restricting competition. Many of these cases have been appealed before the Spanish courts and it is hoped that the Courts will clarify these issues.

Author Biographies

Andrew Ward, Cuatrecasas

Socio de Cuatrecasas Gonçalves Pereira, Madrid

Pablo Lavandeira Suárez, Cuatrecasas Gonçalves Pereira, Madrid

Asociado Principal de Cuatrecasas Gonçalves Pereira, Madrid


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How to Cite

Ward, A., & Lavandeira Suárez, P. (2015). Information exchanges between competitors under competition law and their assessment as infringements “by object”. Icade. Journal of the Faculty of Law at Universidad Pontificia Comillas, (95), 37–68.


