Recent developments in merger control. Regulations on minority shareholdings


  • Jaime Folguera Crespo Abogados, Uría Menéndez
  • Alfonso Gutiérrez Hernández Abogados, Uría Menéndez
  • Tomás Arranz Fernández-Bravo Abogados, Uría Menéndez



minority shareholdings, merger control.


In the framework of the public consultation launched on the occasion of the
tenth anniversary of the entry into force of the Council Regulation (EC) No 139/2004, on the control of concentrations between undertakings, the debate on the need to regulate the treatment of minority shareholdings which do not confer control has been resumed. The European Commission faces the challenge to define a reform to give an answer to the need to catch transactions that may significantly affect effective competition but, at the same time, to refrain from imposing disproportionate burdens on undertakings.


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How to Cite

Folguera Crespo, J., Gutiérrez Hernández, A., & Arranz Fernández-Bravo, T. (2015). Recent developments in merger control. Regulations on minority shareholdings. Icade. Journal of the Faculty of Law at Universidad Pontificia Comillas, (95), 69–103.


