Duties informative article 16 of Law Insurance Contracts: practical consequences noncompliance and reform proposals


  • Luis Alfonso Fernández Manzano LOVELLS


artícle 16 of the Insurance Contract Act, duty of modification of the loss, duty of providing information about circunstances and consequences of the loss, consequences of the non-fulfilment of those duties.


In these pages are analyzed the duties foreseen in the first and third paragraphs of section 16 of the Insurance Contract Act, as well as the consequences of the irinfringement. The author focuses on those cases in which the infringement of theduty of notification of the loss implies the breach of the information duty, which means, if the policyholder or the insured have acted with gross negligence or bath faith, that the insurer has no obligation of paying the indemnity. The author understands that the current writing of this section needs a modification, in order to avoidthe differences between the verdicts of the civil courts and those pronounced by the other jurisdictions.

Author Biography

Luis Alfonso Fernández Manzano, LOVELLS



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How to Cite

Fernández Manzano, L. A. (2012). Duties informative article 16 of Law Insurance Contracts: practical consequences noncompliance and reform proposals. Icade. Journal of the Faculty of Law at Universidad Pontificia Comillas, (71), 11–33. Retrieved from https://revistas.comillas.edu/index.php/revistaicade/article/view/612