El fideicomiso mercantil contemporáneo


  • Sergio Rodríguez-Azuero


Trust, Business Trust, Comparative Law, Development, Institutionalization, Trust Agreement, Fiduciary Products.


The main purpose of this document is to present the trust as a legal instrument with growing importance in the legal world, due to its inclusion in the commercial codification in several countries, and also to the assignation of the trustee role to professionals, generally bankers. In this scenario, the trust is explained from a historicalpoint of view, starting from its origins in Roman Law, passing through English Law, and finally presenting its contemporary developments in Anglo-American Law, Latin American Law, and Continental European Law.

The text also presents the reasons that support the author’s opinion on the success of this legal mechanism in Latin America, especially the tipification of it as acontract in the legal codes, and the advances in the banking managers. Both reason sappear as interesting alternatives of the Anglo-American model, which allows that any individual may act as “Trustee”.

The second part of the study reviews the basic elements of the trust as a contract,and its third chapter explains the principal legal products developed from thislegal instrument: (i) Managing Trusts (fideicomiso de administración); (ii) Investment Trusts (fideicomiso de inversión), (iii) Real State Managing Trusts (fideicomisosinmobiliarios); (iv) Collateral and Guaranty Trusts (fideicomisos en garantía);and (v) Capital Market Trusts and Funds (fideicomisos de apoyo al mercado decapitales).

Finally some conclusions are presented, regarding the importance of the instrument,and the advantages of its flexibility.

Author Biography

Sergio Rodríguez-Azuero

Abogado y profesor universitario. Arbitro internacional


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How to Cite

Rodríguez-Azuero, S. (2013). El fideicomiso mercantil contemporáneo. Icade. Journal of the Faculty of Law at Universidad Pontificia Comillas, (70), 7–55. Retrieved from https://revistas.comillas.edu/index.php/revistaicade/article/view/637


