Comportamiento ético gerencial


  • María del Pilar Rodríguez Córdoba


Managers, ethics, ethical behaviour, Colombia, Spain, Britain, values, honesty, use of power, managerial performance.


This paper describes an empirical research carried out in Colombia, Spain and Britain since 1997. Its purpose is to answer to the questions: What does it mean to be an ethical manager? And which behaviours define an ethical manager? Findings show that an ethical manager acts in three levels, each one containing one category: individual level-values; organisational level-managerial performance; social levelexternal relations. Among categories, the two dimensions that obtained the biggest importance in the three countries were honesty and use of power. We propose the design of strategies oriented to managerial development in these two dimensions, especially from the human resource management department.

Author Biography

María del Pilar Rodríguez Córdoba

Profesora Asociada Departamento de Ingeniería Industrial de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia y Profesora Titular de la Cátedra Ethos en Ética Empresarial y Empresariado Social


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How to Cite

Rodríguez Córdoba, M. del P. (2016). Comportamiento ético gerencial. Icade. Journal of the Faculty of Law at Universidad Pontificia Comillas, (64), 109–133. Retrieved from


