Diffusion and adoption of new technologies: conceptual framework proposed


  • Ana I. Sinde Cantorna Universidad de Vigo
  • Mª Isabel Diéguez Castrillón Universidad de Vigo
  • Ana Gueimonde Canto


Tecnological diffusion, adoption, determinants


The study of the diffusion process of new technologies give us information about trajectory of an certain technology, its ratio of diffusion and the factors that conditioned the diffusion. Generally, the number of users that adopt a new technology can be represented by means of a logistical curve in form of S regarding the time. The duration of this process is given by the cumulative level of users of an innovation in amarket, which will be in function of the adoption decision on the part of each manager. In this paper we will try to pick up and to classify the different factors that explain the behaviour of firms, concretely the difussion speed, at industry and company level.

Author Biography

Ana Gueimonde Canto

Departamento de Organización de Empresas y Marketing


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How to Cite

Sinde Cantorna, A. I., Diéguez Castrillón, M. I., & Gueimonde Canto, A. (2013). Diffusion and adoption of new technologies: conceptual framework proposed. Icade. Journal of the Faculty of Law at Universidad Pontificia Comillas, (70), 269–292. Retrieved from https://revistas.comillas.edu/index.php/revistaicade/article/view/649


