Ethics of Insider Trading


  • Antonio M. Arroyo Rodríguez
  • Esther Vaquero Lafuente


Insider Trading, Relevant Information, Equal Opportunity, Theft of Valuable Information, Invisible Hand.


Definitions of inside and relevant information. Four arguments that prove that Insider Trading is not ethical. Origins of the contrary opinion: a) Misinterpretation of the concept about the Invisible Hand by Adam Smith as something similar to the Law of Universal Gravitation described by Sir Isaac Newton; b) Two writings by Henry G. Manne. Historical and legal data, two recent Codes of Ethics and four cases.

Author Biographies

Antonio M. Arroyo Rodríguez

Universidad Pontificia Comillas

Esther Vaquero Lafuente

Universidad Pontificia de Comillas


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Smith, Adam (1776): An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations, ed. 1976 by Edwin Cannan, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 568 páginas.

Smith, Adam (1776): La riqueza de las naciones, ed. 1994, Alianza Editorial, Madrid, 808 páginas.

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Werhane, Patricia H. (1989): “The Ethics of Insider Trading”. Journal of Business Ethics 8: pp. 841-845.

How to Cite

Arroyo Rodríguez, A. M., & Vaquero Lafuente, E. (2016). Ethics of Insider Trading. Icade. Journal of the Faculty of Law at Universidad Pontificia Comillas, (64), 225–250. Retrieved from


