Current status of biofuels


  • Susana Ortiz Marcos Universidad Pontificia Comillas


Biofuels, bioethanol, biodiesel, renewable energies, environment


This article provides an overview of the current situation of biofuels. It starts by examining biofuels in general with regard to the ongoing review of European objectives on consumption. Next, the underlying legal issues in this sector are analysed, focusing on the regulatory and planning framework and the tax system applied. This leads to discussion of the barriers that, hitherto, have prevented greater and quicker development of this alternative energy source. The article concludes with several proposals that aim to enhance development in this market.


APPA y PRICE WATERHOUSECOOPERS, “Una estrategia de biocarburantes para España (2005-2010)” Junio 2005

COMISIÓN DE LAS COMUNIDADES EUROPEAS Libro Verde “Una estrategia europea para un a energía sostenible, competitiva y segura” Marzo 2006 Directiva 2003/630/CE

MINISTERIO DE INDUSTRIA Y ENERGÍA, IDAE, Plan de Fomento de las Energías Renovables en España, Diciembre 1999

APPA y PRICE WATERHOUSECOOPERS “Una estrategia de biocarburantes para España (2005-2010)” Junio 2005

COMISIÓN DE LAS COMUNIDADES EUROPEAS Libro Verde “Una estrategia europea para un a energía sostenible, competitiva y segura” Marzo 2006



How to Cite

Ortiz Marcos, S. (2013). Current status of biofuels. Icade. Journal of the Faculty of Law at Universidad Pontificia Comillas, (70), 293–321. Retrieved from


