Especialización tecnológica: Caracterización de los grupos multinacionales que operan en España
Technological Specialization, Multinationals, European PatentsAbstract
This article analyses the technological specialization of the multinational groups in home and host countries and the influence of these in the global specialization of the groups through a new typology of six categories. We analysed what categories are most common and their evolution. Moreover, we study the typologies of multinationals when they begin to patent in new technological areas. Finally, the paper studies the changes of category that presents the groups throughout the time. The analysis shows three important trends in the technological management: 1) the increase of the technological diversification of the groups; 2) the major weight of the technological activities developed out of the country of origin of the groups; and 3) that the multinational groups specialize themselves abroad especially in the same technological areas in those who are specializing in the home country.
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