Compitiendo por medio de las capacidades generadas en la función de producción. El caso de las empresas del sector del metal


  • Begoña Urgal González


Función de producción, capacidades de producción, ventaja competitiva sostenible, sector del metal.


In the last decades a evolution in the paper has taken place that performs the function of production in the company, until the point from which certain competitive advantages can come from decisions taken in this enterprise area. The basic objective of this work is to explore the work that carries out the area of production in the strategic process of the companies whose main activity is developed in the sector of the metal and to analyze some aspects that can influence in the value of the capacities that are derived from this enterprise function to base a sustainable competitive advantage.


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How to Cite

Urgal González, B. (2016). Compitiendo por medio de las capacidades generadas en la función de producción. El caso de las empresas del sector del metal. Icade. Journal of the Faculty of Law at Universidad Pontificia Comillas, (65), 207–224. Retrieved from


