1950 - 2025, the transition from an economical model based on abundance to one based on scarcity


  • Santiago Niño Becerra




economical system, economical Model, systemic crisis.


Every economical system is a combination of philosophical norms that, implemented in a precise historical moment, bring about a functional structure that remains in force all along a specific period; its operative manifestation at every moment of time is the result of a specific economical model. If the crash of 1929 meant the end, by exhaustion, of the model that began in 1873, the present day systemic crisis has shown the exhaustion of the model that began after World War II. These are crisis years in which a new model is being created with a view to become adequate for the needs of coming years.

Author Biography

Santiago Niño Becerra

Catedrático de Estructura Económica
IQS School of Management
Universidad Ramon Llull


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NIÑO BECERRA, S., El crash del 2010. Los Libros del Lince, Barcelona, marzo 2009.

____ Más allá del crash. Apuntes para una crisis. Los Libros del Lince, Barcelona, noviembre 2011.

____ Diario del Crash. Los Libros del Lince, Barcelona, noviembre 2013.

____ La Economía. Una Historia muy personal: Barcelona. Los Libros del Lince. febrero 2015.

REICH, R. B., University of California, Berkeley, “The State of Working America” by the Economic Policy Institute, Thomas Piketty, Paris School of Economics, and Emmanuel Saez, University of California, Berkeley. The New York Times, September 4, 2011. Disponible en: http://www.nytimes.com/imagepages/2011/09/04/opinion/04reich-graphic.html

How to Cite

Niño Becerra, S. (2016). 1950 - 2025, the transition from an economical model based on abundance to one based on scarcity. Icade. Journal of the Faculty of Law at Universidad Pontificia Comillas, (96), 29–37. https://doi.org/10.14422/icade.i96.y2015.002