Economic development in Central America: renewing and validity of Esquipulas Agreements


  • Pedro Caldentey del Pozo



regional integration, equity, governance, development.


Esquipulas agreements offered to Central America the fundamentals of a development model for the last three decades (1986-2015). However, it seems exhausted as the weakness of national development models shows in the region. Central American countries demand new proposals to respond to the structural problems (inequality, poverty, inadequate insertion) and the new challenges posed by climate change or violence associated with organized crime. The regional approach can be a key dimension in the renewal of the axes of development. This article aims to characterize the regional approach to Central American development and justify the variables that could become a dominant dimension of the coming decades.

Author Biography

Pedro Caldentey del Pozo

Profesor del Departamento de Economía
Universidad Loyola Andalucía


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How to Cite

Caldentey del Pozo, P. (2016). Economic development in Central America: renewing and validity of Esquipulas Agreements. Icade. Journal of the Faculty of Law at Universidad Pontificia Comillas, (96), 169–199.