Legal conflict on EU GHGS trade system: case study of airline inclusion for its pollution and damage to tourism


  • Francisco Javier Heredia Yzquierdo EAE Business School
  • Antonio Sánchez-Bayón IsPE-Universidad Camilo José Cela



pollution, aviation, tourism, GHG trade, European Union, Global & Comparative Law


There is not regulation for a World market to order the GHGs emissions. The aviation industry is a relevant part of the sizable tourism industry. The aviation industry has been growing significantly and become a source of concern for skewing the GHGs policies. The commercial aviation industry is international by its interconnected nature, and it isregulated in an international forum of the United Nations, the ICAO. The ICAO is takin the climate change problem into consideration but not acting in a specific manner. These factors prompted the European Union to incorporate the aviation industry to its ETS. There was a significant international dispute about the matter and currently the situation is on hold. One has to consider if this controversy is also a chance for putting into motion a first World market for a specific sector.

Author Biographies

Francisco Javier Heredia Yzquierdo, EAE Business School

Profesor de Derecho de Empresa en EAE Business School (EAE). Investigador del Grupo de Investigación Multidisciplinar en Turismo (GRIT-EAE). Investigación
realizada con el apoyo de LAS-Baylor, ELLSP-DePaul, Dpto. Historia Derecho-UNED, EAEInvestigación,

Antonio Sánchez-Bayón, IsPE-Universidad Camilo José Cela

Profesor de Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas en Universidad Camilo José Cela y coordinador académico de TFM en EAE. Investigador del Grupo de Investigación Multidisciplinar en Turismo (GRIT-EAE). Investigación
realizada con el apoyo de LAS-Baylor, ELLSP-DePaul, Dpto. Historia Derecho-UNED, EAEInvestigación,


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How to Cite

Heredia Yzquierdo, F. J., & Sánchez-Bayón, A. (2016). Legal conflict on EU GHGS trade system: case study of airline inclusion for its pollution and damage to tourism. Icade. Journal of the Faculty of Law at Universidad Pontificia Comillas, (97), 87–116.