Administration of sugar industry in colonial Cuba: a precursor system of scientific management


  • Santiago Garrido Buj UNED



slave plantations, scientific management, business management, Cuba, sugar, sugar mills, nineteenth century


Historians of modern management link occurrence of this to the works of Taylor and Fayol and the birth of the great corporations of industrial capitalism, especially railways. The slave plantations have been deliberately omitted from this “dawn” of scientific management, however its coincidence and even priority in time and management methods, coupled with the clear separation between owners and managers give to those authentic character precursors scientific management. This paper attempts to show how the Cuban sugar mills in the second half of the nineteenth century are a clear example of rational and efficient management endorses it pointed in the paragraph above.

Author Biography

Santiago Garrido Buj, UNED

Catedrático de Organización de Empresas de la UNED


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How to Cite

Garrido Buj, S. (2016). Administration of sugar industry in colonial Cuba: a precursor system of scientific management. Icade. Journal of the Faculty of Law at Universidad Pontificia Comillas, (97), 135–163.