The bankruptcy mediation, specialty of civil and commercial mediation


  • Helena Soleto Departamento de Derecho Penal, Procesal e Historia, Instituto Alonso Martínez, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid



Mediation, bankruptcy, extrajudicial, ADR, negotiation, agreement.


The Insolvency Act contains a preconcursal mediatorial figure, the court procedure of payments, which allows citizens and legal persons, whether or not employers, to agree an agreement that allows the viability of personal and professional activity. This rule includes many specialties for the mediation process and even allows the transformation of the role of mediator into administrator, creating a hybrid figure appropriate for the specific context of bankruptcy.


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How to Cite

Soleto, H. (2016). The bankruptcy mediation, specialty of civil and commercial mediation. Icade. Journal of the Faculty of Law at Universidad Pontificia Comillas, (98), 77–101.