The mission of the company as their ultimate goal: discursive analysis and prospective view


  • Manuel Cabanes Fuentes Profesor emérito de INSA-ETEA



Business mission, field of activity, financial perspective, plural configuration of the mission, stakeholders perspective, discursive and prospective analysis.


Discursive analysis of the business mission. Field of activity, nuclear element of the mission: suitability and relevance. Financial perspective of the mission: analysis of suitability and relevance; popperian falsifiability of his fundamental postulate: analysis by types of company (private, public, family business and social economy enterprises) and by motivations in the entrepreneurial decisions. Plural configuration of the mission: the profit in coexistence with other purposes or interests. Plural configuration of the mission and stakeholders perspective: postulates, theoretical inconsistencies and operational limitations. Prospective view.


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How to Cite

Cabanes Fuentes, M. (2017). The mission of the company as their ultimate goal: discursive analysis and prospective view. Icade. Journal of the Faculty of Law at Universidad Pontificia Comillas, (99), 185–216.


