Los derechos de explotación del contenido audiovisual y la entrada de las plataformas Over The Top (OTT): estudio caso Netflix


  • María Fernanda Bianco Universidad Pontificia Comillas




audiovisual content, intellectual property, copyright, Over The Top, Netflix, internet service provider


The traditional audiovisual industry market, and the international trade of the products that derive from it, has been affected by the new business model that the Over The Top (OTT) platforms offer, which increasingly reduces distribution intermediaries and emphasizes on providing the consumer with flexibility. Furthermore, OTT platforms consolidate through the production of their own original content, in which creative artists have more freedom. This research questions if a new business model is truly offered towards the traditional trade of audiovisual content exploitation rights and how OTT platforms reach different regions, also opening the enquiry about the importance of the investment in high quality original content production in this business model.


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How to Cite

Bianco, M. F. (2017). Los derechos de explotación del contenido audiovisual y la entrada de las plataformas Over The Top (OTT): estudio caso Netflix. Icade. Journal of the Faculty of Law at Universidad Pontificia Comillas, (100). https://doi.org/10.14422/icade.i100.y2017.006