A tool for financial inclusion, «also» in Spain. Proposal for a (social) FinTech model to ensure basic payment services based on electronic money


  • Moisés Menéndez Andrés Everis Intiatives




social fintech, electronic accounts, financial inclusion, underbanking, account for basic payments


Financial inclusion is essential to face poverty and inequality. Big efforts to promote the use of e-money have served in developed countries within this context, namely by means of electronic accounts for basic payments. These e-accounts are available today in Spain as FinTech solutions capable to mitigate financial exclusion and under-banking, guaranteeing the right of citizens to access a current account for basic payments as regulated in the EU Directive on bank accounts, not yet transposed in Spain. Its, contents are deemed to be insufficient in terms of social finance and reduction of financial vulnerability.

Author Biography

Moisés Menéndez Andrés, Everis Intiatives



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How to Cite

Menéndez Andrés, M. (2018). A tool for financial inclusion, «also» in Spain. Proposal for a (social) FinTech model to ensure basic payment services based on electronic money. Icade. Journal of the Faculty of Law at Universidad Pontificia Comillas, (101). https://doi.org/10.14422/icade.i101.y2017.007



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