The requirements of effectiveness and legality in the access of the statehood of secessionist entity


  • Ana Gemma López Martín Universidad Complutense de Madrid



secession, creation of states, effectiveness, legality, fundamental principles of international law


After the opinion concerning Kosovo there is a key question that flies in relation to attempts of secession: Can a territorial entity, group or people declare unilaterally that it is a State, but really not be according to international law? The response to it comes from the precise definition of what are the requirements which, according to current international law, must be met so that a body be constituted in State. In this respect, we find that in addition to the traditional requirement of effectiveness applied to the material elements of the State, contemporary international law requires that in the process of access to the statehood institutions aspiring to State have respected the fundamental principles of this law. They impose the requirement of legality.

Author Biography

Ana Gemma López Martín, Universidad Complutense de Madrid

Profesora titular (acreditada a Catedrática) de Derecho Internacional Público y RRII


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How to Cite

López Martín, A. G. (2018). The requirements of effectiveness and legality in the access of the statehood of secessionist entity. Icade. Journal of the Faculty of Law at Universidad Pontificia Comillas, (101).


