Energy Poverty in The European Union and in United Kingdom


  • Macarena Larrea Basterra Investigadora Orkestra-Fundación Deusto, Deusto Business School Universidad de Deusto



Energy poverty, energy efficiency, indicators, measures, EU, United Kingdom


Energy poverty is a reality in Europe even if there are countries where it is not recognized and where there is not a definition for it. However, its recognition at Community level is progressing and it should be convenient to move towards a homogeneous measurement mechanism. The United Kingdom, for its part, could be considered a leader in this area given the involvement of both the Central Government and nations´ in the measurement of energy poverty and in the development of measures and plans for its eradication. Energy efficiency has become one of the main pillars of this fight against energy poverty.


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How to Cite

Larrea Basterra, M. (2018). Energy Poverty in The European Union and in United Kingdom. Icade. Journal of the Faculty of Law at Universidad Pontificia Comillas, (102).