“The Return of Ecuadorian Women from Europe”
Transnational Visions and Family Contexts
reason for departure and return, transnationality, return plans, entrepreneurship, family integrationAbstract
The Ecuadorian women who returned are fundamental actors in the transformation and social change of the country, however, some studies carried out in the north and south of Ecuador so far are insufficient in this regard. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to describe a reality found in relation to the reasons for migration that correlate with the reasons for the return of these women, the family and their implication in the entrepreneurship and plans for the return envisaged for their return. In this research, a “toolbox” methodology and the “snowball” technique, the statistical and descriptive analysis, as well as the Likert scale survey that reflects contrary data, in the face of speculation on: economic progress, entrepreneurship from a public policy and family-integration in transnational contexts.
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