The Activation of Immigration

Capabilities and Agency of Migrants


  • Joan Lacomba Vázquez Universitat de València
  • Natalia Moraes Mena Universidad Murcia



migrants, agency, capability approach, autonomy of migration


Frequently, conventional approaches to migration have tended to consider immigrants as passive actors in their processes of incorporation into receiving societies. But we are increasingly witnessing more and more samples of the self-initiative of the immigrants as actors of change processes. At the same time, in the last few years, new research perspectives have been trying to give an account of this shift, that can be resumed as follows: the recognition of the autonomy of migrations, the relevance of the capabilities and agency of migrants in different fields and their contribution to the development of reception societies. In fact, immigrants deploy various strategies, struggle and resistance, contributing to create transformation processes in the economic and entrepreneurship fields, in the area of civil society organizations or in the political arena.


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How to Cite

Lacomba Vázquez, J., & Moraes Mena, N. (2020). The Activation of Immigration: Capabilities and Agency of Migrants. Migraciones. Publicación Del Instituto Universitario De Estudios Sobre Migraciones, (48), 1–20.