Agency and Poly-Victimization in Migrant Childhood: Analyzing Professional Perceptions




child agency, poli-victimization, migrant childhood, professional perception


The main aim of this article is to review and compare the concepts of poly-victimization and agency of migrant childhood. The notion of agency refers to the classic theoretical debate between agency and structure within the social sciences, introducing conceptual and analytical distinctions between different forms of child agency in migratory processes. Using the qualitative method, semistructured interviews were conducted with professionals in the areas of education, health, and social intervention with the purpose of finding out their perception of children’s agency. It is concluded that professional perceptions about migrant children’s agency are inscribed in reductionist perspectives, which —from submission to aggression— are based on culturalist and stereotypical views on age, sex-gender or nationality. For this reason, it is urgent to study the children’s agency without judgments and stereotypes.


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Author Biographies

Iskra Pavez-Soto, Universidad Bernardo O'Higgins

Centro de Investigación en Educación (CIE)
Doctora en Sociología Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona,  Experta en Políticas Sociales de Infancia Universidad Complutense de Madrid y Licenciada en Trabajo Social

Daniela Poblete-Godoy, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Dra. (c) en Sociología Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, Beca de Doctorado en el Extranjero ANID Chile, Magíster en Análisis Sistémico Aplicado a la Sociedad Universidad de Chile y Licenciada en Sociología

Carmen Alfaro-Contreras, Universidad Bernardo O’Higgins

Escuela de Tecnología Médica
Dra. (C) en Educación Universidad Bernardo O'higgins, Magíster en Ciencias Biológicas y Licenciada en Ciencias mención Biología Universidad de Chile


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How to Cite

Pavez-Soto, I. ., Poblete-Godoy, D. ., & Alfaro-Contreras, C. (2021). Agency and Poly-Victimization in Migrant Childhood: Analyzing Professional Perceptions. Migraciones. Publicación Del Instituto Universitario De Estudios Sobre Migraciones, (52), 147–175.


