Venezuelan Migration to Colombia and Peru

An Analysis from the MERCOSUR Regional Migration Governance Framework




Venezuelan Regional migration, international migration, regional migration governance, MERCOSUR, residence in MERCOSUR countries


This article questions the degree and evolution of integration in the region with regard to migration and establishes the degree to which migration management continues to be in the hands of the National States, which allows us to reflect on how consolidation the regional migration governance (RMG) regarding the growing exodus of Venezuelan population through the region in Colombia and Peru, partner countries of the MERCOSUR residence agreement, The research methodology used is mixed, both qualitative and quantitative. The research design is exploratory- analytical-descriptive because it is a subject with minor development. It is concludes that there is formal convergence in migration regulation aligned with the signing of the MERCOSUR residence agreement, but both Colombia and Peru did not apply the MERCOSUR residence agreement until 2021. Instead, they assumed ad hoc legal instruments, with which convergence towards a (RMG) is weak and underlines the need for and importance of the application of a regional migration governance.


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How to Cite

Sacristán-Rodríguez, C. P., & Llanez Anaya, H. F. (2022). Venezuelan Migration to Colombia and Peru: An Analysis from the MERCOSUR Regional Migration Governance Framework. Migraciones. Publicación Del Instituto Universitario De Estudios Sobre Migraciones, (54), 1–22.


