Religious participation and the integration of immigrants. A reflection between America and Europe, between history and present times


  • Mauricio Ambrosini Universidad de Milán


Religion, Immigration, Integration, North America,


After having been neglected for a long time in migration research, religion has come back in contemporary theories of immigrants’ integration in receiving societies. The paper explores this issue starting from an analysis of past and current North American experience, with a focus upon two specific aspects: a) it is wrong considering North American society as one that has always been open and tolerant in respect of immigrants’ religious belongings; b) in a context characterized by high levels of hostility and discrimination, religion has always represented a resource for the social integration of catholic and jewish immigrants. In the last part, the article deals with the European experience, discussing the reasons why the expression of a religious identity (especially if Islamic) is considered an obstacle to the immigrant minorities’ integration


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How to Cite

Ambrosini, M. (2018). Religious participation and the integration of immigrants. A reflection between America and Europe, between history and present times. Migraciones. Publicación Del Instituto Universitario De Estudios Sobre Migraciones, (23), 11–44. Retrieved from


