Studying migration from the perspective of Social Anthropology: a research about the social construction of otherness in the educational context


  • Antonia Olmos Alcaraz Universidad de Granada


Social Anthropology, Foreign immigrant pupils


This paper is a study of the migratory phenomenon from the point of view of Social Anthropology. Focusing on the processes involved in the construction of otherness, we analyze how the difference towards the foreign immigrant population is constructed, and more specifically towards the foreign immigrants in formal educational institutions. Our starting point is the idea that discourse (social and political) plays an important role in the construction of difference. This is why we start by analyzing it in order to arrive at what we think is happening: the reproduction of old social inequalities in new segments of the population


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Author Biography

Antonia Olmos Alcaraz, Universidad de Granada

Laboratorio de Estudios interculturales (LdEl). Departamento de Antropología Social


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How to Cite

Olmos Alcaraz, A. (2018). Studying migration from the perspective of Social Anthropology: a research about the social construction of otherness in the educational context. Migraciones. Publicación Del Instituto Universitario De Estudios Sobre Migraciones, (23), 151–171. Retrieved from


