Massive regularization in Costa Rica: recent effects of immigration on the Social Security System


  • Fernando Llorca Castro


Massive Regularization, Social Security System, Healthcare Services and Immigration


In 1999 a massive regularization of Central American migrants was realized in Costa Rica and later the whole country population was quantified, the kind of public insurance and the way healthcare services are use among other things, by a population census and home survey during 2000. Based on evidence found in investigations that were realized during those years, about the impact that the immigration has had in the Costa Rican Social Security organization, the author concludes that the immigrant does not contribute unfavorably to the Institutional pension system, that they use the hospital and urgency services less than the natives, they use the preventive medicine more and they has adopted the Costa Rican usual practices of avoidance the obligatory pays to the Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social, which is the most important public institution of healthcare services in the country. Some international experience and concepts were checked about the topic and a brief explanation of how the Costa Rican Social Security organization works, for the best comprehension of readers who are not use to deal with it


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Author Biography

Fernando Llorca Castro

Médico-Administrador y Economista de Salud que ha trabajado para la Caja Costarricense de Seguro Social


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How to Cite

Llorca Castro, F. (2018). Massive regularization in Costa Rica: recent effects of immigration on the Social Security System. Migraciones. Publicación Del Instituto Universitario De Estudios Sobre Migraciones, (23), 307–334. Retrieved from


