Family, School and Immigration


  • Eduardo Terrén Universidad de Salamanca
  • Concepción Carrasco Universidad de Alcalá de Henares


Immigrant family, Education, Aculturation


The family is the main social arena where the relationship between the first and the second generation of immigrants takes place, and education is a corner stone in such a dialectic. Immigrant families undergo profound transformations that are often complicated by extended periods of separation –not only from extended family members, but also from the nuclear family. Though many families are involved in transnational separation and reunion processes of this kind, there has been little research on the impact of these forms of family transformations on the vision of education held by immigrants. However, the perspective developed in this paper relies on the idea that an accurate knowledge of the schooling experience of the children of immigrants has to be related to the set of projects and expectations which are constantly being redefined in the life of an immigrant family


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Author Biography

Eduardo Terrén, Universidad de Salamanca

Departamento de Sociología


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How to Cite

Terrén, E., & Carrasco, C. (2014). Family, School and Immigration. Migraciones. Publicación Del Instituto Universitario De Estudios Sobre Migraciones, (22), 9–46. Retrieved from


