Healthcare Use Disparity Between the Immigrant and Native Population in Spain




health, healthcare, immigration, inequality, integration


The aim of this paper is to analyse the degree to which the possibilities of accessing healthcare services in Spain are differently restricted for the immigrant population according to their origin in comparison to natives. For that purpose, microdata from the National Statistics Institute’s Survey on Life Conditions 2017 has been used, analysing the visits to general practitioners, specialists, and dentists in the past 12 months for groups of different migratory origins and controlling for other sociodemographic and health characteristics. By means of logistic regression models, this investigation shows that, even after controlling for these variables, the non-EU-28 immigrant population in Spain continues to suffer a disparity in the access to these healthcare services among the greater Spanish society, especially determined by the legal status depending on the citizenship that they hold.


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How to Cite

Suárez Muñoz, J. (2022). Healthcare Use Disparity Between the Immigrant and Native Population in Spain. Migraciones. Publicación Del Instituto Universitario De Estudios Sobre Migraciones, (56), 1–23.