Senegalese Civil Society and its Involvement in the Migration Field. The Role of Civil Society Organizations in Awareness-Raising, Training and Education Actions




awareness-raising, training, CSO, Senegal, migrations


Civil society occupies a very relevant place in the social and political sphere in Senegal, with migration being one of its work areas. From the associative field, the so-called Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) are involved in different actions, among which we can highlight awareness-raising of the risks of irregular migration, on the one hand, and the training of young people facing their socio-occupational insertion in Senegal, on the other. All this with the goal that migration is not considered a necessity, but rather one more option and, if it is done, it is done through safe and regular channels. Based on the qualitative fieldwork carried out with CSOs in Dakar (Senegal), in this article we will reflect on the actions implemented by these entities in these two work areas, incorporating their critical and respectful to the rights of migrants approach.


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Author Biography

Alba Vallés Marugán, Universidad de Granada

Instituto de Migraciones


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How to Cite

Vallés Marugán, A. (2023). Senegalese Civil Society and its Involvement in the Migration Field. The Role of Civil Society Organizations in Awareness-Raising, Training and Education Actions. Migraciones. Publicación Del Instituto Universitario De Estudios Sobre Migraciones, (58), 1–19.


