Between the Homeland and the Mother Country: Imaginaries of (Im)Mobility to Spain in the Comments Section of «»




social imaginaries, mobility, online press, Argentina, Spain


The Argentine and Spanish press have actively participated in the history of mobilities between the two countries, disseminating in their discourses social imaginaries favorable to emigration. This article studies the discourse of the comments section in news from the main Argentine online newspaper, drawing upon the category of imaginaries of (im)mobility, which considers both mobility and permanence. A qualitative content analysis and tools from the critical discourse analysis (CDA) method were applied to 310 comments posted in a series of news on regarding a possible settlement of Argentines in Spain. The results show a mixed distribution of imaginaries around the immobility-mobility and origin-destination axes. Although the imaginaries are mostly mobility-oriented, this is usually associated with negative evaluations of the country of origin rather than positive evaluations of the country of destination. There is also an ideological component as well as disputes on the suitability of Spain as a destination.


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How to Cite

Navarro-Conticello, J. (2023). Between the Homeland and the Mother Country: Imaginaries of (Im)Mobility to Spain in the Comments Section of «». Migraciones. Publicación Del Instituto Universitario De Estudios Sobre Migraciones, (59), 1–22.


