Spanish Women in Sex Work? Mobility Routes




mobility, sex work, migration, stigma


This paper explores the mobility of Spanish women for sex work in Switzerland, especially in the city of Geneva. It analyses the reasons for moving to another country, the development of sex work and the possible existence of processes of exploitation or coercion. Ethnographic work has been carried out in the city of Geneva, collecting observations and interviews with Spanish sex workers, owners and managers of sex businesses and members of an NGO. The results obtained are related to the safety conditions and benefits obtained by sex workers in this mobility, as well as the policies and actions on sex work that are developed in both countries.


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Author Biography

Carmen Meneses Falcón, Universidad Pontifica Comillas




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How to Cite

Meneses Falcón, C. (2024). Spanish Women in Sex Work? Mobility Routes. Migraciones. Publicación Del Instituto Universitario De Estudios Sobre Migraciones, (60), 1–20.


