Public libraries as a tool for social integration: a case study


  • Luisa Cervantes Martínez Universidad de Almería.
  • Marisol Navas Luque Universidad de Almería.


Intercultural library services, Public libraries, Intercultural libraries, Social integration, Foreigners


This paper presents theoretical foundations that
legitimize intercultural library services, presents case studies of
good library practice and describes part of an investigation conducted in public libraries in the province of Almería. The aim is to show that public libraries can facilitate social integration of foreigners if they adopt the guidelines issued by international library organizations. This mediating role is implicit in the principles attributed to public libraries by library organizations. The research, conducted at five public libraries, three called intercultural and two non intercultural, shows no signifi cant differences between both groups, and that intercultural libraries don’t perform a mediating role because they don’t adopt the guidelines from library organizations.


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Author Biographies

Luisa Cervantes Martínez, Universidad de Almería.

Biblioteca Nicolás Salmerón.

Marisol Navas Luque, Universidad de Almería.

Facultad de Humanidades y Psicología


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How to Cite

Martínez, L. C., & Luque, M. N. (2013). Public libraries as a tool for social integration: a case study. Migraciones. Publicación Del Instituto Universitario De Estudios Sobre Migraciones, (34), 177–203. Retrieved from


