Dynamics and migratory structure of Romanians: 1990-2006. Flows of Emmigration towards Spain, Madrid


  • Sylvia Marcu Instituto de Economía y Geografía, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (SCSIC).


International immigration, Flows, Romania, Spain, Borders


The article sets out to present and to analyze the flows of immigration of Romanians, between 1990-2006; it tries to cover part of the existing absence of knowledge in the receiving societies on the origin of the immigrants from Central and Eastern Europe.Given the short age of researches on the subject, in this case on a very numerous group, what we try is to make an approach to the immigration of Romanians, in such a way that an understanding of the idiosyncrasy of a group which is ever more present in the spectre of the present society can be arrived at. The first part analyzes in a general way the recent history of the country, a key that will help to understand the reasons behind the strong migratory wave coming from Romania in the last years. The second part analyzes the social and demographic structure of Romanian immigration,where as the third part presents by means of a qualitative analysis the immigration flows towards Spain, from 1990 to the present time, which have Madrid as their point of destination, out lining some trends in Romanian immigration for the future.


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How to Cite

Marcu, S. (2014). Dynamics and migratory structure of Romanians: 1990-2006. Flows of Emmigration towards Spain, Madrid. Migraciones. Publicación Del Instituto Universitario De Estudios Sobre Migraciones, (21), 115–157. Retrieved from https://revistas.comillas.edu/index.php/revistamigraciones/article/view/2875