Integration programmes for inmigrants: A comparative perspective in the european union


  • Sergio Carrera Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) en Bruselas


Social Inclusión, Interculturalism, Diversity, Integration Programmes.


This paper provides a comparative study of integration programmes for immigrants in Austria, Belgium, Denmark, France,Germany, Latvia, Poland, Spain and the Netherlands. The main tendencies and common elements are broadly assessed and compared, paying special attention to the target groups and scope of these programmes,and the related enforcement mechanisms and sanctions. In the national arena there appears to be a distinct trend towards a mandatory nature of integration programmes for immigrants. Binding participation in these programmes is now a regular feature of immigration legislation, and a legal precondition for having access to a «secure juridical status». A nexus between immigration and integration is becoming the norm. This link may at times conflict with human rights considerations, and endanger the interculturalism and diversity that are inherent to the nature of the EU


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How to Cite

Carrera, S. (2014). Integration programmes for inmigrants: A comparative perspective in the european union. Migraciones. Publicación Del Instituto Universitario De Estudios Sobre Migraciones, (20), 37–73. Retrieved from


