Immigration and residential segregation: theorethical and empirical approach to the case of Almeria


  • Juan Carlos Checa Olmos Universidad de Almería
  • Ángeles Arjona Garrido Universidad de Almería


Residential segregation, Immigration, Dual residential market, Discrimination


The debate over the causes of residential segregation has been a constant in the international literature, with a great diversity of opinions. Three are the approaches that explain the phenomenon:ecological, economic, cultural and institutional. This article describes recent trends in the residential patterns of ethnic minorities, specifically of Eastern Europeans, Latin Americans and Africans in Almería, using the indexes of dissimilarity, isolation and absolute centrality. Through the results of a survey carried out with immigrants it is proved that urban ethnic segregation in theare a of Poniente is due fundamentally to discrimination and exclusion in the residential market, followed by ethnic status and years of residence and in the last place to residential preferences.


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How to Cite

Olmos, J. C. C., & Garrido, Ángeles A. (2014). Immigration and residential segregation: theorethical and empirical approach to the case of Almeria. Migraciones. Publicación Del Instituto Universitario De Estudios Sobre Migraciones, (20), 143–171. Retrieved from


