¿Transnational living? Remittance sending versus integration in the host society: The case of Andalusia


  • Sebastián Rinken Instituto de Estudios Sociales Avanzados de Andalucía (IESA-CSIC)


Transnationalism, Remittances, Immigration, Social Integration, Survey


In recent years, various sources have indicated a surge in the volume of remittances sent by international migrants to kin in the country of origin. Some observers have argued that these remittances constitute not only a vital tool for boosting the economic development of sending countries, but also a key element of a new model of social relations. Associated with the term «transnationalism», the idea is that those migrants who fare relatively well in the host society will tend to engage increasingly in cross-border social and economic practices. In this article, survey data regarding the immigrant population in Andalusia are used to empirically verify the relationship between remittance sending and integration in the host society. Results point to a substantial decrease of remittance sending among the most integrated migrants, in comparison to those who have been living just a few years in Andalusia. This finding suggests that as their social situation improves, migrants tend to focus increasingly on the needs of self and kin in the host country.


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How to Cite

Rinken, S. (2014). ¿Transnational living? Remittance sending versus integration in the host society: The case of Andalusia. Migraciones. Publicación Del Instituto Universitario De Estudios Sobre Migraciones, (20), 173–199. Retrieved from https://revistas.comillas.edu/index.php/revistamigraciones/article/view/2914


