Leading onto to a muslim paradigm in France and Britain


  • Daniele Joly Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations. University of Warwick.


Immigrants, Muslims, Ethnicity, Race relations


This article examines the periodisation and frame work of ideas within which post-WWII immigrants of Muslim back ground have been understood in Britain and France where in, through different routes, the category Muslim has come to occupy a prominent place. Three levels of analysis need to be borne in mind when considering these conceptual frame works:— The minorities themselves with regard to their structural incorporation within the majority society, and their own modes of social organisation.— The majority society’s categorisation of these minorities as it underpinsthe policies directed towards them, and the accompanying discourses.— Social science as it conceptualises them and their interaction with majority society.


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Commission on British Muslims and Islamophobia 1997: 4

The Times, 4 February 1989.

News Release, 3 March 1989.

Independent, 22 February 1989.

The Times, 1 March 1989.

The Times, 4 February 1989.

How to Cite

Joly, D. (2014). Leading onto to a muslim paradigm in France and Britain. Migraciones. Publicación Del Instituto Universitario De Estudios Sobre Migraciones, (18), 7–46. Retrieved from https://revistas.comillas.edu/index.php/revistamigraciones/article/view/3000


