The adaptation of foreign immigrants in Spain: overcoming cultural shock


  • Anna Zlobina
  • Nekane Basabe
  • Darío Páez Universidad del País Vasco


immigration, culture, cultural shock, adaptation, intercultural communication


In this paper we deal with cultural shock and its effectson the adaptation of foreign immigrants in Spain. The cultural differences perceived by immigrants of various cultural origins —Latin America, Northern Africa, Subsaharian Africa and Eastern Europe— have been explored qualitative and quantitatively by comparing their country of origin with Spain. 27 persons participated in the discussion groups and a total of 478 foreign immigrants answered the questionnaire on cultural shock (52% men, 42% women; the age average was 33.5 years old and the average time of residence in the recipient country was 3 years). The results of the research revealed the dimensions underlying the perception of cultural shock. Three aspects of the receiving country have been found to be common sources of difficulties for sociocultural adjustment: the perception of a greater amount of planning of both the economic and social spheres of life in Spain; greater equality both in general and in gender relations and a higher level of consumption together with less sociability and proximity in relationships within the local culture, which exact an effort of adjustment in both groups. The sources of cultural shock in each group have also been traced. Practical recommendations are offered which can be used as guides or orientations to be considered in intercultural communication


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Author Biographies

Anna Zlobina

Beca predoctoral Gobierno Vasco

Darío Páez, Universidad del País Vasco

Dpto. Psicología social, Universidad del País Vasco


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How to Cite

Zlobina, A., Basabe, N., & Páez, D. (2014). The adaptation of foreign immigrants in Spain: overcoming cultural shock. Migraciones. Publicación Del Instituto Universitario De Estudios Sobre Migraciones, (15), 43–84. Retrieved from


